Pro Tools Answers is 3 Certified Instructors for Pro Tools, including Avid's Training Manager, helping the Pro Tools User Community to understand and get the best out of our chosen DAW.
Audio Engineering is hard. DAWs are complicated applications. The PTA seek to educate so that users have an easier, and more creative, experience.
3rd June 2021 PRICE 995 € (excluding VAT 20%) CURRENTLY ONLY AS VIRTUAL CLASSROOM COURSEIncludes eBook and Pro Tools Operator Post production Certification exam With Anders Motz
When it comes to thinking about buying a new plugin, a noise gate isn’t usually high on the list. We usually like a nice new shiney compressor or tape emulator that make our mixes fat and warm, where as we...
One of the questions that we see often popping up in our support forums is “what interface do you recommend”? There are so many at various price points but what’s best for one might not be best for another, and...
A golden thread that you might see running through my reviews is a reliance on analog models. I love old school analog warmth and chase it in all of my mixes. So when it the 1973 popped up on a...
Podcasting is fun, easy, and largely free if you either have the tech already or you don’t mind basic quality, but an important consideration to make is the enjoyability of your listener. No matter how good your content, if it...
So a new Mac was required to film our Pro Tools Answers episodes, and with none of the current Macbook range tempting us in, we rolled the dice on an M1 based Apple Mac Mini. Pro Tools isn’t yet qualified...